lunes, 11 de septiembre de 2017

My favourite series

Hello again! Today times have changed. Before we had to wait a full week to see a new chapter of a particular series. But since I discovered Netflix, my life changed forever. It is a wonder! Now I can see all the programs I like without the need to wait, even doing marathons for many hours. Once I acquired Netflix, my friends have made several series recommendations, but without a doubt, the one that I liked the most was House of Cards. It is an adaptation of the BBC's miniseries of the same name and is based on the novel by Michael Dobbs.

House of Cards is the story of Congressman Frank Underwood (Kevin Spacey), a Democrat from South Carolina's 5th congressional district and House Majority Whip. After being passed over for appointment as Secretary of State, he initiates an elaborate plan to get himself into a position of greater power, aided by his wife, Claire Underwood (Robin Wright). The series deals primarily with themes of ruthless pragmatism, manipulation, and power.

This series represents the portrait of the political intrigues that make of Washington DC a true nest of vipers, where the power is its protagonist. There is corruption and personal interests. All this plot is complemented by the impeccable acting and aesthetic work of the series with very neat camera movements. In short, House of Cards makes an x-ray of the political landscape not only of the United States, but also of the whole world.

Watch the trailer:

Best vacations of my life!

Hello! You will not believe me, but so far I have not been to any concert, although I hope to go to one later this year to know the true experience of listening to live music. But I have had the opportunity to know many places of this beautiful country, although one of my favorite destinations is undoubtedly the Austral Highway, considered the starting point of the Chilean Patagonia.

This trip was two years ago and I did it with my family. It was almost three weeks of travel through breathtaking scenery. From Puerto Montt, our first stop on the itinerary was Hornopirén, located 100 kilometers from the regional capital of Los Lagos. From there we get to know the national park of the same name and the hot springs of Llancahué.

Then we continue a tour by ferry to Chaitén, La Junta and finally Coyhaique, where you can find the main tourist attractions of the route, such as the Cerro Castillo National Reserve and General Carrera Lake, where the famous Marble Cathedrals are located. This has been one of the most wonderful experiences of my life, to be immersed in a privileged and unique sector in the world. It was an unforgettable trip!